Stephan van Rooij

Software architect with a passion for home automation.

Deploy to Azure Static Web App with only the name


Ever heard of Azure Static Web Apps? It combines a single page app (Angular/React/?) with Azure Functions, and manages it all for you.

The deployment is a breeze, as long as you have the deployment token available to your build pipeline. The deployment token should be kept a secret and you should save it somewhere secure.

Access Azure AD protected API with managed Identity


Managed identities are a great way to improve the security of your application. Microsoft “manages” the rotation of secrets and makes sure they cannot be extracted or used anywhere outside their platform. That is the reason I’m a big fan off Managed Identities!

You should use managed identities wherever possible. It’s possible to use managed identities for accessing (custom) api’s, an that is exactly what I’ll be explaining in this post. At the and you will be able to call any Azure AD protected api with using a managed identity.

UPDATE: Elektrische steps in Nederland


Nederland roept al jaren dat het technologisch voor wil lopen op de rest. We hebben enorm veel dingen uitgevonden in Nederland, Videobanden, bluetooth, enzovoort. Maar op het gebied van vervoersmiddelen lopen we echt enorm achter. In heel Europa zie je overal elektrische steps, in mijn ogen een super goede manier om mensen uit hun auto te krijgen.

Elektrische step... levensgevaarlijk...

Update Deze pagina sprak over een pagina die is verwijderd van, dat is inmiddels rechtgezet zie update WOB Verzoek.

Open-source sonos apps


Out of personal interest I’ve build several apps to have better control your Sonos speakers. This page will give you a brief overview of these apps.

My open-source projects

My github repositories, last edited first.

A dotnet tool for parsing rss feeds and modifying a markdown file
A Teams app showing all your assigned and provisioned apps (no production!)
HTML 0 0
:speaker: Sonos control library, use this library in your own appliction.
TypeScript 64 13
Publish data from your Smart meter with a P1 interface to you MQTT server.
TypeScript 27 6
Control Sonos from dotnet
🔊 📖 Sonos api documentation for the local UPNP api and a generator to generate clients based on service discovery
TypeScript 19 7
Sonos2mqtt companion for Home Assistant
Python 4 0
:speaker: Sonos mqtt controller. Control your speakers from your mqtt server. mqtt-smarthome insprired.
TypeScript 61 17
Demo speed increase with batching for the Microsoft Graph API
HTML 3 0
Some usefull PowerShell snippets collected
PowerShell 4 0