Stephan van Rooij

Software architect with a passion for home automation.

Twitter cards for static web page


My personal page is a static website hosted on Github pages. Posts are written in markdown and the source of all the posts is in my public repository. I tweet about most posts at least once, and it just shows the link, that’s not what I want.

All tweets to my blog should at least show the title and a short description. Maybe even a large image related to the post.

Twitter cards

Making sure Twitter generates this nice Summary card with large image is actually really easy, that is if you have an image describing the post. You just need to add the following tags to the <head> section of your page. Off course you’ll have to fill in the correct values.

  <meta property="og:title" content="{Page title here}" />
  <meta property="og:description" content="{Page description here}" />
  <meta property="og:image" content="{ABSOLUTE_url_to_page_image_here}" />
  <meta name="twitter:card"  content="summary_large_image" />
  <meta name="twitter:site" content="@{own_twitter_account}" />

Twitter cards in Jekyll

This website uses Jekyll to generate static html files based on templates. I already had a header.html file that is included on each page, so that was the best place to add this new information, based on the variables I already had.

  <meta property="og:title" content="{{ page_title }}" />
  <meta property="og:description" content="{{ meta_description }}" />
  {% if page.twitter_image %}
  <meta property="og:image" content="{{ page.twitter_image | absolute_url }}" />
  <meta name="twitter:card"  content="summary_large_image" />
  {% else %}
  <meta property="og:image" content="{{ site.avatar_url | absolute_url }}" />
  <meta name="twitter:card"  content="summary" />
  {% endif %}
  <meta name="twitter:site" content="@{{ site.social_media.twitter }}" />
  <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@{{ | default: site.social_media.twitter }}" />

The parts in {{ variable_name }} are liquid variables that are automatically filled in when it’s generating the page.

Code image

I blog a lot about code snippets, so how do you get those nice images you ask? I found this awesome VS Code extension called Code snapshot that does exactly what the name implies. You select some code, open the extension and BAM awesome looking image of the code you selected.

Sample Code snapshop

Jekyll website to progressive web app


A PWA (or Progressive web application) is a website which can be installed on a desktop and acts like an app. It has an icon and a title. And it can even receive messages from the server if the app isn’t running. It can also show notification messages to the users.

So in short it’s a website acting like an app. This post shows you how to turn a Github Pages website into a pwa in three easy steps.

Github pages (Jekyll) live reload with docker


I really like Github Pages to host static webpages. Static in this case means the files are generated at build time (so once when you publish a new version), instead of every time like with a wordpress website. One of the main benefits is that it results in a blazing fast website.

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